I wasn't quite in the mood to play HCS yesterday so I played two of Soryu's sub stories and the new prologue~ I'm updated with purchasing Soryu's stories but not when it comes to playing them since I do enjoy playing several at once. When I'm updated with his CGs, I will upload the rest. (。・ω・。)
First Jealousy Story
(does not come with an image)
Eisuke basically forces Soryu to attend a dance party; knowing Soryu of course he wouldn't attend voluntarily but the thought of Baba taking the mc to the dance instead makes him compromise. Soryu decides to surprise the mc by choosing a dress for her but on that very same day the mc has a day off and is shopping with her coworker at the same boutique. She sees someone resembling Soryu and can't help but feel a bit restless. She believes in Soryu but starts to think that hes interested in the beautiful shop clerk (due to Baba's words) so she confesses to Soryu about this. Of course that's not the case and Soryu admits he was choosing a present for her since they are to attend this party together as partners and he wanted to see her wear a dress he chose. Both of them are clueless about dancing (aww they are such a cute couple) so they decide to take Baba's dance lessons, of course Baba's quite strict.
On the day of, Soryu compliments the mc saying the dress suits her and they manage to complete the dance with the help of each other. They both sort of forgot the steps at a point but led one another. When Soryu was away to get the mc a drink, another guy invites the mc to a dance; because its free time she has no choice but to agree. The melody for this dance was totally different from the one before and she gets extremely flustered but that managed to come to an end. When the guy tries to sweet talk afterwards, Soryu comes up to them and asks what he needs from HIS partner. Later, they both return to the suite and the mc thinks that hes mad at her but of course he isn't and apologizes for bringing her back up. Once they're done clearing up their bottled thoughts, they spend a lovely time together. (´▽`ʃƪ)♡
The first 2 chapters are in the mc's POV and the last one is in Soryu's. Before Eisuke brought up the dance, the guys were lounging about and Baba suggested playing poker. Soryu proposed an even better "game" which of course there's no better game than Russian roulette to Soryu. (*≧艸≦) This scene was hilarious seeing how frightened the guys were.
A Summer Memory to Give to Him
Because the weather has been so hot lately, there's nothing Soryu wants to eat. (。┰ω┰。) Poor Soryu >< Luckily our thoughtful mc makes a refreshing meal for him~
After a while of persuasion, the mafia crew along with the mc set off to the amusement park for the haunted house attraction based off the belief that scary things will cool you off. And mostly because the mc's coworker told her that it'll be romantic in a way if she goes with her boyfriend; she can cling onto him and such. With Inui whose acting like a child, Soryu is like the father and the mc is like the mother (。’▽’。). When Inui is busy looking over all the attractions and features he points out the cute stuffed plushies. Soryu's not interested in them but thinks that the mc wants one so he buys her the largest dog stuffed plush (it'll be more romantic if he wins one for her but I can't really imagine him playing those carnival games). He later makes Inui hold it for the time being (the plush and him are well suited for each other ∪・ω・∪) and tells him not to get it dirty.
When they get to the attraction, Inui is afraid to go in and clings onto Soryu. The group overhears two other visitors saying that the people who enter will eventually go missing. Inui gets even more hesitant and tells Soryu that he won't be able to live on if he went missing. Soryu just says lets go and tells Inui to have it his own way. They manage to enter the attraction (some creepy hospital theme) and at some point, Inui gets separated from them and the mc starts to think that the rumor about people disappearing is true, with that she gets frightened with every scare. Soryu seeing this decides to pull out his gun but the mc tells him not to since they're just actors (*≧▽≦)ノシ)). The mc gets separated from Soryu for a moment but he manages to find her and calm her down. They make it out of the exit safely and meet up. Back at the suite the mc asks Soryu if he has anything hes afraid of since he seems fearless, he replies saying that hes afraid of her going off somewhere (another way of saying hes scared of her leaving his side).
At the first chapter, the mc brought ice cream every time she went to visit Soryu at the office since everyone seemed to be effected by the heat. Inui and Samejima enjoyed it a lot. The mc is such a sweetie (❁´▽`❁)

After playing Soryu's summer story I decided to check Koi Cafe and to my surprise, the upcoming Japanese app 恋してしまった星の王子's prologue was released~ The story line was interesting, the bgm was nice, and most of all, the guys are all appealing but I couldn't help but just gawk at Scorpio for most of the time. He's quite similar to Soryu when he first met the mc but of course Scorpio is a bit more rude... Even so, I still like him and hes most likely going to join my bias list after I play his stories (ᅌᴗᅌ* ).
It was also nice to see that the mc is interested in astronomy. If I'm correct, the guys are named after constellations/astronomical signs like Scorpio and Leo but some of their names are pretty hard to make out the meaning of... I'll have to wait till Voltage updates their main page in order to justify this. I'm most likely playing Scorpio's routes right when its released; hopefully Voltage will release two guys at once. ~(‾⌣‾~) With all that said I shall resume my HCS game play until I go on another Soryu story marathon.
(I marked Scorpio's sprite above if you hadn't noticed so please do not re-post my edits. All screenies belong to Voltage inc.)
(I marked Scorpio's sprite above if you hadn't noticed so please do not re-post my edits. All screenies belong to Voltage inc.)
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