Saturday, September 27, 2014

Starburst!アイドル誕生~2014~ Friend Invite for Android & 悪戯なキス by 女子ゲー ID

Hi guys, I recently started playing this app called Starburst! アイドル誕生~2014~ for android. Further details on this app can be found on the page and the page as well.

Download for Android

There's a friend campaign going on at the moment for the android app only so if any of you are looking to start this game and can use my friend invite code, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you~

My code is 3zGuvH, insert this code at the page where you decide on your last and first name which by default should be 夏芽ののか (the code insertion is on the third line for android registration only). This would only be valid if you fully play through the prologue, do the mission, and reach the first login bonus as well as gain access to the other options.

This app is region locked so you may have to download the apk file and install it that way. If you would like to play this app but can't get your hands on the apk file I also have another way to download/install this app, please inform me then.

In addition to that, I'm a Kaishi supporter!
But I also support Nao, Eiji, Ruka, and Hideya as well~

Also, my ID for the free version of 悪戯なキス is 3706711 but as you can see, my friend slots are full so I can't accept anymore friends for now. But if any of you are playing you can drop me a message or something ^^


  1. hi! it's nice to know you!
    thx to this post, i can find my ID for this game.
    btw, i wanna ask something.
    you see, i first start playing this game using link to the website (my friend paste the link to LINE notes, so i can enter the game anytime i want). here's the link :

  2. sorry for the cut. the website went error after i paste the link to this comment. so this is the continuation from the previous comment.
    later on, i finally found KBTBB free version apps from appstore and i already install it to my ipad.
    now here's the confusing part (because i can't read japanese, and speaking too). when i open the app, i see there's 2 option : make a new game or transfer data (i assume). because i already play it, i want to transfer my previous data to the apps. at first, i can't find my ID. but thanks to this post, i can. now after i paste it to the first box (after i click the "transfer data" option), i need to fill in the second box. but i don't understand what it says. so, can you help me? it'll be veeery helpful if you do. you can contact me by email so i can show you the screenshot of it. thank you and i am sorry if i disturb you or something.

    thank you and have a nice day!


    1. Hi Fridatari, from what I understand, you're trying to transfer your previous data to the app version right? After you start up the app and click データ引き継ぎ the second entry box after 引継ID should be パスワード your password. If you have your password just enter it in and proceed. If you haven't set up a password for your transfer ID, you have to go to support and the menu would pop up. Select the first icon which says データ引継 (data transfer). The line that says お客様の引継ID should be your 7 digit ID code. Below パスワード, you must enter in your desired password and enter it another time for confirmation in the entry box below 確認のため再入力して下さい. I hope this helps you and thank you for your comment~

    2. hmmm..
      i thought about your suggestion and give it a try. i try to click the support option in the apps. but for some unknown reason, i can't click it (the thumbnail isn't colored pink like the rest. instead, it was grey). i try click it many time but no progress. why? can you screenshot where's the support option that you mean? just to make sure...
      you can email me the screenshot to
      sorry again if this bothering you. thank you.

    3. This is no trouble at all. ^^ I'm pleased to be able to help you. I created a post on this, hopefully things are more clear this way:
