Thursday, October 9, 2014

スイートルームで悪戯なキス by 女子ゲー Kissed by the Baddest Bidder (JPN Free Version) Transfer Data Guide

Guide to transferring data between devices for 悪戯なキス by 女子ゲー but can be applicable to other Voltage apps in the same or similar format.

First of all, open the app on the device you have first started playing on:
When you're done inputting the info, scroll down and click the 送信 / transmission button to proceed


After you're done creating a password for your ID, go ahead and open up the app on the device which you are transferring your current data to
Go on and click the 送信 / transmission button to proceed

*Please note that when transferring data between IOS and android devices there may be a loss of your current diamonds. I play regularly between ipod and android so I did notice the number of diamonds fluctuating but somehow when I go to make a purchase, most of the time, they do reappear. Please keep cautious in case your diamonds do disappear for good. 

Hope this helps those of you who are having trouble with this, and have a happy time playing~


  1. hoo.
    after reading this, i understand that all this time, i play kbtbb using website (gree) version. so, when i open it again... there is no thumbnail like "back" "top" "support" and such at the bottom of the game.
    so can you help me once again?
    how can i find this "support" thumbnail in the website version (gree) so i can transfer ID to the apps?
    thank you~

    1. I see. For the GREE version, I'm not too sure about how to navigate around. I've only played this app on IOS and android devices. Is it possible that you can link or tweet me an image of how the game looks like on your desktop?

    2. can i send it to your email instead? email me your email (if you can) :

    3. can i send the pics by email instead? email me your email to (that if you want). i am open the game by ipad most of the time...

    4. Yes, I sent an email to your email address already.
