Monday, July 14, 2014

Hakuouki SSL Gameplay [Kazama Part 3]

Game play of Kazama's remaining chapters~ Sorry for the extremely long post and please keep in mind that the details may not be 100% accurate. (ᅌᴗᅌ* )

October rolls in and now its time for Chizuru's class to decide on their cultural festival theme. Ryunosuke is extremely hyped up when he hears there's a prize for the most popular event and naively believes that the prize is lunch related. He is such a glutton at times like these (ノ>▽<。)ノ but it was nice to see that they retained his personality from the Edo period version. Not wanting to lose he boldly suggests that their class set up a maid cafe since their class is unique having the one and only girl in the school. Seeing how excited Ryunosuke and the class is, Chizuru has no choice but to go along with their plans. ∪・ω・∪

Ryunosuke's adoptive father Serizawa makes an appearance. He is the chairman of the PTA so he pretty much has the most say in these school functions.

More bickering going on between these two about Chizuru's priority.(x_x;)

Kazama comes to Chizuru's classroom to invite her to see him perform a tea ceremony.

This mini game is by far the funnest, its just serving up the customers but each customer has a red gauge that goes up if you're not serving them on time. You can ask your guy to help you lower the gauge if you need help. After this mini game, you'll get the end scene with Kazama. If I'm not mistaken you probably won't be able to see the last part of the chapter and get the CG if you lose.

Hijikata's class did a takoyaki store so the others shared the leftovers. Sannan is creepily trying to make Nagakura drink the red fluid also called the water of life in the Edo period version (⊙﹏⊙✿) (which I'm pretty sure its supposed to serve another purpose rather than turning them into rasetsu). 

Serizawa announces the results and Chizuru's class did win but the reward was just a pre-paid card for purchasing books and not the prize Ryunosuke actually wanted. Poor him, he looks so disappointed. (๑◕︵◕๑)

It's finally December and Chizuru heads to school alone and comes across Kondou Sensei. He tells her that every year during Christmas, he acts like the Santa of the school and hands out presents to the students. Serizawa then out of the blue decides to hold a Christmas party in which only those with invitations can go, and to be invited you'll have to have good grades, behavior, and such. Kondou sensei sounded so disappointed when announcing this, probably because not all students can take part. Chizuru was invited to the party though everyone has mix feelings about this event.

Now Heisuke and Kazama are fighting over who gets to spend Christmas with Chizuru. Kazama thinks its rightful that he spends this time with his bride while Heisuke argues that as her childhood friend he has the right to. It really does seem like Kazama wants to make enemies out of all of Chizuru's closest friends(・□・;). Then Heisuke comes out and says its dangerous to spend christmas with Kazama. They question who she wants to spend Christmas with and after Chizuru replies saying that she was invited to the christmas party, Kazama leaves without saying anything. This worries Chizuru so she goes to the student council room to find him.

Kaoru, Kazama, and his sidekicks are there. Amagiri bombards Chizuru with a bunch of questions about her preference of drinks. It's pretty silly but he acts like a maid but calling him a butler would be a better choice of words (´⊙ω⊙`). Its pretty much a given that whenever Kazama is with any one of the other candidates or Kaoru, they're arguing. Kaoru then drags Chizuru away saying its a waste of time to stay here and Kazama tells Chizuru to look forward to the party. On the way home, Kaoru is mumbling to himself, apparently hes worried that Okita or Heisuke might be going after Chizuru.

At home, Chizuru then receives two mails from Heisuke, the first one sounding like a dying message "help me" (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖  and the other explaining that hes put in charge of the Christmas party decorations and preparation (most likely because hes the son of Serizawa and that this Christmas party was his idea). He can't find the decorations and there's not enough people to help. Chizuru decides to help out so that the party wouldn't end up being cancelled.

It's finally the 25th and Chizuru starts pondering in her room, she thinks that her alone isn't enough so she wants to get another person to help. Then, Kazama's face comes into mind. To her surprise, Kazama suddenly calls as if answering her hopes and is willing to help. Kazama and Chizuru then set off to Ryunosuke's house.

 Ryunosuke then gives them a list of things to get. And the fourth mini game starts. Not related but I really like Ryunosuke's jacket here, he looks nice in purple! (●´艸`)

This was definitely the easiest mini game, just selecting the items you need.

༶・・ᗰદ૨૨ʏ ᘓમ૨ıડτന੨ડ・・༶
Later the party starts and then everyone does the present exchange.

If snow falls when we walk home, it means we are meant to be.

On the way home, "snow" really does start falling and Kazama insists on the fate thing again. But suddenly Chizuru hears a loud noise coming from above where Amagiri and Shiranui are sprinkling the artificial snow... Kazama isn't embarrassed at all that Chizuru found out and asked if she liked his present for her.

January 1st as promised, Chizuru goes with Kazama to the shrine. They recall their memories together in the past year. Chizuru is worried that since Kazama is a senior that they might not be able to meet like this anymore. Kazama isn't the least bit worried since she's his bride. Kazama talks about marriage already and even brings her to a chapel (♥ω♥ ) ~♪. He expresses his feelings on the spot but she still hasn't had the chance to even say she likes him.

It's February and Chizuru starts to feel that her classmates are acting strangely around her so she goes to the health room to ask Sannan about it. Chizuru thinks that the reason they're giving her strange looks is because there's something wrong with her appearance.

Yamazaki comes out to say that there's nothing wrong with her face, and that shes always... and trails off there but ends up saying that her face is the same as always. I'm sure he was about to say that she's just as cute as always(‐^▽^‐). Sannan just answers that she will know the reason when time comes and asks Yamazaki if that's right. Yamazaki says he doesn't understand but he's probably hoping that he would receive some chocolate from Chizuru too. Chizuru probably doesn't realize that Valentine's day is approaching because shes the only girl in the academy and there are no other hyper school girls rambling on about chocolates and crushes.

Haha even Nagakura is concerned with Valentine's day this year. He even tells her to just give 義理チョコ girichoco (obligatory gift chocolate) to everyone. That's still a lot of chocolate though...

Kaoru being evil and all decides to ban off obligatory chocolate so that the other guys can give up on their dreams of getting chocolate from her. He thinks she should be thankful that hes saving her from the crisis. Another weird way to protect your sister from flocking wolves...

Uh oh, Kaoru starts to look upset after hearing her mention 本命チョコ honmeichoco (which is the genuine type of chocolate given to the guy you like) because he only talked about banning obligatory chocolate before. And he starts to question if there is that someone who she wants to give that chocolate to. Kaoru suspects its either Heisuke, Okita, or Saitou. It's strange that he doesn't even think about it being Kazama when he's the one crashing heads with him this whole time; but this is probably a shared scene. He even says that shes too early and absolutely forbids her to bring any chocolate. Gahh hes so mean... (∿°○°)∿

One day, Chizuru finds Kazama in front of the school gate talking on the phone. Once hes done, he notices her and talks about it being fate again and then he receives another phone call. Chizuru thinks its strange but doesn't put much thought into it. During lunch Chizuru bumps into Amagiri and Shiranui, they mention how she won't have to bother with Kazama anymore because he got a marriage interview set up with a lady also involved with 茶道 (tea ceremonies). Of course after hearing this, Chizuru feels restless since she hasn't even properly expressed her feelings for him yet.

Chizuru sees Kazama leaving at noon and goes out chasing him, he replies saying that he has to go home and that hes busy. This is the first time I saw Kazama looking so down, he must really not want to do this (・_・). 

Chizuru brings up all her courage and talks about Valentine's day; out of nowhere Kazama suddenly laughs and says hes looking forward to that day. Chizuru is puzzled with the change in his attitude and thinks that she misunderstood something when they were talking about a marriage interview but seeing that he is really busy, she thinks he is going to one.

Chizuru, Sen, and Kosuzu then go to Hakuo Gakuen's cafeteria on a Sunday to make chocolate.
Aww looks like Kosuzu wants to make chocolates for Ryunosuke! (∩˃o˂∩)♡

Chizuru thinks about Kazama while making her chocolate. Then she remembers that Kaoru banned chocolate on that day, even Sen thinks its cruel to do such a thing. Sen encourages Chizuru to bring her chocolate. Since its Kazama's last Valentine's day in this school Chizuru would want him to enjoy that day so she decides to bring it and confess her feelings.

On the day of, at the front gate, even Kondou sensei questions Chizuru if she brought chocolate to school... Chizuru sees some guys in the hallway and she starts to panic and even says she doesn't know anything about the chocolate. Ahh shes totally giving herself away. Σ(ಠิωಠิ|||)

Then the last mini game starts~ This minigame was the worst! You have to pass all five rounds or else it's game over for real; and the rounds are like several mini games in one. I spent quite some time until I passed all five rounds, I was totally ready to throw my vita on the floor (ノ_ _)ノ. Hijikata, Saitou, Sannan, Heisuke, and Harada's were pretty easy for the most part. I had some trouble with Shinpachi's and Kaoru's was running away from him while avoiding the objects he throws at you. It was so mean of Kaoru to throw blackboard erasers, protractors/angle rulers, and pencils at Chizuru! Yamazaki and Okita's were the hardest, and if you don't know any Japanese at all, it'll be a real struggle.

After the mini game, Chizuru rushes to find Kazama before home room starts. The one to stop Chizuru in her tracks was Saitou. Luckily, Shiranui and Amagiri were there to step in and help her. She then finds him in the student council room and they express their feelings for each other and cleared up the misunderstandings, this wiped away all her concerns. After all that, Chizuru wants to go back to home room but Kazama says its Valentine's day so she doesn't have to worry about class. Then he pushes her down and once more confesses again and asks if she likes him, Chizuru finally replies yes. And he declares that they're 婚約同士 (fiance, fiancee) (´▽`ʃƪ)♡.

Just when they were about to get even closer, Shiranui suddenly opens the door. Kazama is terribly mad at their timing. He even asks them to leave and not be a hindrance to their time together (usually the couple who gets interrupted doesn't think about going back to what they started but apparently Kazama thinks differently ⊙0⊙). Oh my, Amagiri is getting rebellious for once and holds Kazama back telling him to spare Chizuru. Chizuru doesn't get a chance to explain and without knowing that they are a couple now, Shiranui comes out to say that Chizuru is too nice to not mind Kazama's advances. They still think Kazama is playing around with Chizuru but they really are kind to constantly keep helping her.(^v^)

 Eek Kazama's death stares. (;╹⌓╹)

Finally in the epilogue, the couple happily gets married in the lovely chapel from before ~
*♡೫̥͙*:・ℋɑppყ Ϣәԁԁıɲɠ゚・:* ೫̥͙♡*

Chizuru still calls Kazama 'senpai' right until their wedding day but when Kazama asks her if shes going to keep calling him that since they're no longer in school, she then starts calling him Chikage-San.

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