Sunday, July 27, 2014

放課後 Colorful Step うんどうぶ! Character Introduction + Remaining Prologue Rough Summary

Takagi Masao [baseball club adviser]
Natsuko's homeroom teacher
Sakamoto Ichio [science club adviser]
Haruko's homeroom teacher
Tokitou Chikayuki [track]
Natsuko's classmate, 2nd year

Ninomae (left), Kumashiro (middle), Tokitou (right) 
 Ninomae Kiichi [track]
Team captain, 3rd year
 Kumashiro Daichi [basketball]
Team captain, center position, 3rd year
Kiryuu Nanao [track]
1st year
 Tachibana Kou [basketball]
Team ace, 2nd year
Sasagi Haruka [basketball]
Shooting guard, 1st year


Natsuko is stressing over club decisions again and starts a small talk with Ishikawa and Suzuki. Ishikawa recalls back to when she was a first year, choosing clubs was difficult at that time as well. Suzuki insists on her history archaeology(?) club if Natsuko is worrying so much. Natsuko makes an excuse that she wants to head to the school store and escapes. On the way there, she sees a really tall person who is about 180 centimeters tall. The person next to him calls him Daichi and tells him not to open his mouth so wide. The person called Daichi then says he can't help it since hes in a good mood after filling his stomach. The two guys then walk off to their classrooms. Natsuko thinks to herself that the other person besides him is really tall as well; she starts to wonder what club they belong to, basketball perhaps? The chime rings indicating the next class but Natsuko panics as she still hasn't bought anything yet. After school the sisters go to Haruko's club choice, the cooking club. Natsuko feels that the dishes of the cooking club members are very original and avant-garde... (the cooking club and art club scene will be more clear in Haruko's route ^^)


Once more, Natsuko is in the classroom worrying about clubs, at this moment Chika approaches and asks if shes doing well and says she can tell him whats bothering her. Natsuko decides to not tell him and then he leaves for club activities. Natsuko then wonders if he really was concerned about her. After school, the sisters head to the softball club. There, the team captain asks Natsuko if she would like to try participating in their practice. Natsuko agrees and then takes a bat and helmet. While Haruko is cheering her on, Natsuko recalls a softball game from a while ago and has a bit of confidence but to her surprise, the ball flew right by without her noticing; resulting in a strike. The team captain ignoring Natsuko's desperate protests wants her to go at it again. 

Other than the previous tennis club, the softball club also has an aggressive female captain that carried on intense practice during their club observation period so that made Natsuko extremely worried about her decision. Haruko feels the same and was also concerned that Natsuko would get injured by the ball. Haruko then suggests that she should ask Chika for details on the track and field club if shes interested. Natsuko also suggests that Haruko ask her neighbor Iori about the theater club. Both agree to do so.


During homeroom, Natsuko asks Chika to tell her about the track and field club and that she'll be happy if he can inform her on various things. Chika agrees and says its better to see it for herself.  

"Today after school, let's go to the track club together"

Natsuko was pretty surprised that Chika said okay but she felt better that she had someone go to club observations with her or else she'll feel uneasy. A male student then shouts to Chika telling him to turn in the homework which Chika says he didn't do. Overhearing this, Natsuko starts to feel a little uneasy after all ~(˘▾˘)~. Before they leave the classroom, Natsuko tells Chika that when she was in junior high she did track and field. When Natsuko tells him shes troubled between track and basketball, he tells her that she looks skilled in taking care of others. When Natsuko asks if that's so, Chika replies saying that through the twins exchange he can see that (Chika also calls Haruko with the familiar suffix, Haruko-chan). He adds on that Natsuko is very elder sister like. Natsuko then thinks to herself again that Haruko might be at risk (to Chika's advances)... 

Later on, Chika explains to her that there is a club room for track and field but their training is mainly done on the school grounds. Natsuko wonders whether the people at the school grounds are the track team members which Chika denies as they're changing at the moment and mainly because the most crucial person is missing. Chika refers to this person as having a sharp head (トンガリ頭, can mean his hairstyle?。゚(TヮT)゚。 or having a sharp mind) and is a super scary, demon like person. Right at that moment, someone calls out to Chika, coincidentally its the person that he was referring to and to Chika's luck, he did not hear all the insults. This person then asks why Chika is at this place and tells him to hurry up and prepare for practice. Another person shows up which Chika greets and calls him Kuma-senpai. Natsuko remembers having seen these two people before and notices that they are third years by looking at their necktie color. Kuma-senpai notices Natsuko and Nino-senpai immediately thinks that Chika is picking up girls while slacking off club activities. Chika clears up the misunderstanding saying that shes his classmate, the new transfer student. Natsuko then introduces herself and Chika takes this chance to explain that Natsuko did track in junior high and now shes interested in either entering the track team or becoming the basketball club's manager. 

After hearing that, Kuma-senpai excitedly tells Natsuko to become the basketball team manager; Nino-senpai tells him to calm down or Natsuko will be troubled. Nino-senpai then introduces himself as the track club team captain. Chika then adds in that hes an excellent person to be able to be in charge of a mixed gender track club, Nino-senpai humbly denies this. Kuma-senpai then follows up with his introduction and says that their club is in need of a manager and tells her that if shes troubled, he would like her to come to the basketball club. Seeing how persistent Kuma-senpai was, Nino-senpai once more tells him to calm down and Chika adds in that he has to be nice to girls. Natsuko then informs them that before she has officially decided on her club, she would like to observe first (Chika escapes at this moment without them noticing lol). The two senpais tell Natsuko that they'll like for her to visit another day so that they can give her a thorough explanation since today they both had a meeting planned for club presidents. Natsuko then decides to visit the track club tomorrow and the basketball club the day after that. Seems that Haruko has also visited the theater club but because of the same reason, she was scheduled to visit again. 


Natsuko goes down to the school grounds and sees Chika. During their small talk, Chika spots one of their club members and calls him over. Natsuko recalls that this member was the one she saw practicing early in the morning the other day. Chika teases him around calling him Nanao-chan and when his eyes meets with Natsuko's, she introduces herself. Natsuko explains her situation and then the member introduces himself as Kiryuu Nanao. Chika points out that Natsuko is too stiff and that she should use informal speech since Nanao is her kouhai. Natsuko thinks to herself that Nanao's smile is really cute and that hes like a girl but its pretty rude to think like that. Nino-senpai arrives and orders the others to practice. He then has a small talk with Natsuko where she tells him that her specialty/choice is long distance. Since Natsuko's previous high school was an all male track team there's still various things that she still doesn't know, Nino-senpai says that if shes interested and wants to join, he'll teach her. 

Nino-senpai excuses himself to help out the members and during this time one of Natsuko's female classmates whose part of the track team comes and talks with her; Chika and Nanao also join at some point. Chika is seen fooling around with Nanao. Nanao dislikes being teased by his senpai but still blushes (somethings fishy (。 >艸<) ). Once they leave, Nino-senpai returns and asks her what she thinks of the club. Natsuko replies saying that seeing everyone practice is fun. 


Natsuko is mumbling to herself in front of the gymnasium again, this time a boy points out to her that shes speaking to herself. Natsuko becomes startled but remembers him as the one shooting hoops last time. Natsuko asks him if she said all that out loud and he simply replies yeah. He then questions her if she has any business with the basketball club (seeing that its an all male team) which she explains that shes currently doing club observations and that shes looking into the role of manager. He then says that since there's no manager at the moment, everyone will be delighted to have her. Natsuko tries asking the boy about the club which he responds with indifference. Kuma-senpai arrives and exchanges a few words with the fellow member, he seems reluctant to practice but still does so after Kuma-senpai insists. After the boy leaves to get ready for practice, Kuma-senpai then tells Natsuko that hes Tachibana Kou, a 2nd year who doesn't like to practice with the other members that's why he doesn't their practice sessions often. Kuma-senpai describes him as the type of guy who does as he please and moves at his own pace. 

(Chika and Kou are similar except Chika is an extrovert and Kou is more of an introvert. Not that hes shy but because hes probably the type that gets easily drained of energy when being around others. Both are carefree yet I feel that Kou is more awkward in a way. `(๑ △ ๑)`*)

Continuing on, Kuma-senpai then tells Natsuko that today is just basic training so shes free to watch. Suddenly a member shouts out that their team captain has brought a girl, then another member questions if shes his girlfriend. Kuma-senpai clears up the misunderstanding and adds in that shes just interested in becoming their manager (he was totally not fazed by this, guess hes not the embarrassed type). With that, the boys get all hyped and ask for her name; one introduces himself as Nishina, 2nd year class E, and the other introduces himself as Ichimiya, 2nd year. Natsuko feels that they're looking at her with sparkling eyes lol ヽ( ★ω★)ノ. Then, another member joins in, he was the boy who startled her the other day at the gymnasium. He also recognizes her and has a surprised look on his face. When he hears that she might become their manager he puts on a displeased face but still introduces himself as Sasagi Haruka. He starts throwing harsh words at her saying 生半可な気持ちで入るのでは、後々あなた自身が苦労する事になりますよ, if you enter with halfhearted feelings, you'll be the one having hard times in the distant future. He also informs her that being a manager is serious work, if shes not prepared for it, she will not last long (pretty outspoken for a first year (‐^▽^‐) hes probably a tsun). Kuma-senpai, after watching their exchange makes an excuse for Haruka to get a ball and takes this time to soothe Natsuko, saying that hes not a bad guy, just a fellow who loves basketball. Still optimistic, Natsuko says shes alright and watches a game between the 2nd and 3rd years. At home, the sisters talk about their day and they both decide to revisit their last two club choices since they're still uncertain.


Natsuko asks Chika to take her to the track and field club again, he agrees even though he planned to cut that day. (I wondered why she couldn't go to the grounds by herself since she did so before and its has already been 10 days but from Haruko's prologue it seems that the school is actually huge. At least she knows how to get around the school most of the time not like Haruko... (oT-T)尸). After school, Chika and Natsuko arrive at the school grounds, Nino-senpai then asks if she would like to try running a bit, and she does so under the guidance of Nanao. After the run, Natsuko tells Nino-senpai that she enjoyed it.


Takagi-sensei ends the class and tells everyone to be diligent with their clubs. (Since the game isn't focused on their classes, sadly we don't get to see Takagi-sensei often (๑◕︵◕๑) )

Chika sleeping during class again and when a classmate tries to wake him up he suddenly gets startled and apologizes to Nino-senpai (*≧▽≦)ノシ))

Natsuko once again visits the basketball club, all the members except Haruka give her a warm welcome. The senpais then tell him to give Natsuko a friendly smile and not be so brusque. Haruka gives a curt reply as always and his senpais comment that hes not cute. The member 四ツ谷 sounds similar to Mamo! (but if it was really Mamo, he would have surely gotten a more important role). Kou does not make an appearance this time. Natsuko offers to help out with anything in her ability and Kuma-senpai says she can sort the files, he was pretty surprised to see her willing to help when shes not officially a member yet~ Haruka makes a face most likely because he was surprised to see her helping out when he told her all those things last time. Natsuko stumbles upon Tachibana's file and finds out that he's in the class next to hers, class C. 

Not too long after, a ball flies in Natsuko's direction. She gets startled but says shes alright. Haruka in the meantime had a worried look and asks if shes really okay. He tells her that it'll be terrible if an observing student gets hurt. She then asks him if he was worried about her to which he denies (Natsuko is pretty blunt too). Then Natsuko wonders to herself if hes prone to worrying. After Natsuko is finished with the filing, Kuma-senpai tells her to come visit again since their all boys group lack luster. At night Haruko then suggests that they make a cake on their day off to relieve some stress. (/^-^(^ ^*)/


The sisters bump into Takagi-sensei in the hallways and of course hes questioning whether they've chosen a club yet. If they hadn't decided yet, they can reconsider the baseball club but he gets turned down by them both. In the classroom, Natsuko gets questioned again about her club decision. From this point on, the sisters still have 7 days left to decide. Five of those days you can choose whose mini scenes you'd like to see. You will only get to see 2 per person so you'd get to see all of two people's scenes plus one of another. Then the decision day comes and you'd get to choose which club you'd like to enter. The club's common route proceeds from there~ (⑅˘͈ ᵕ ˘͈ )

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