Saturday, July 26, 2014

放課後 Colorful Step うんどうぶ!4月8日、9日

Prologue [April 8th & 9th] Script + Rough Summary
*incomplete third day script

Its morning and the sisters are already on campus. Because Natsuko has been thinking about her four club choices she has been lacking sleep. Natsuko then spots someone running on the school grounds and wonders if hes a member of the track and field team. It seems as if the boy was wholeheartedly running and didn't pay attention to what the other member was saying to him. Haruko then adds in that the way he runs is very lovely/clean. Natsuko agrees that his running style is not only pretty but also seems very enjoyable. The boy's running form remains in Natsuko's head.


ハルコ「ふふっ。 ナツコちゃんたら、夢中になってなかなか寝ないんだもん」


ハルコ「今日から部活見学に行くんだから、元気出していかなくちゃ。 ねっ!」



(あの子......陸上部なのかな? こんなに朝早くから頑張ってるんだ)

陸上部員1「おーい、あんまり飛ばすな~! ペース配分を考えろよ~!」

(一心に走ってる。 まるで周りの声が聞こえてないみたいに......)

ハルコ「......あの男の子、陸上部なのかな? 走り方が、すごくキレイだね」




The sisters plan to meet up after school to do club observations. Just as Haruko is about to leave, Chika comes greeting Natsuko. Natsuko then takes this chance to introduce Haruko to him. Chika is pretty surprised seeing the twins together and stares intently at Haruko which makes her feel uncomfortable. Natsuko then tells Chika off and says that her sister isn't a exhibition/display. Chika apologizes and says that he did it unconsciously since its unusual. Natsuko thinks to herself that her impression of Chika yesterday was right, that hes 軽い (agile/non-serious) and that she should be cautious in case he makes a pass at Haruko. Natsuko then recalls that just before she saw the track and field team practicing and asks why Chika is here and if its okay to not practice. Chika then tries to think of an excuse and blurts out that he didn't finish today's homework then rushes away. Natsuko then says "with that look, he must be skipping again" to which Haruko adds that its just been 2 days since their transfer and they are already close friends. Natsuko thinks that Chika is an interesting person and that its nice to be friends but she feels a little uneasy after all.

時任「あっ、ナツコちゃん~! おっはよ~」
時任「......って、えっ!? ナツコちゃんが2人いる!?」
ナツコ「あ、おはよう時任君。 こっちは私の双子のお姉ちゃんだよ」
ハルコ「あっ、えっと、始めまして。 小日向ハルコです」
ナツコ「こら~、時任君! お姉ちゃんは見せ物じゃないの。 あんまりじろじろ見て困らせないで」
時任「ごめん~。 珍しくて、つい......」



ナツコ「さっき、陸上部が練習してるところを見たけど......時任君はどうしてこんな所にいるの? 練習出なくていいの?」
時任「おっと! オレ、今日の課題まだ終わってないんだった~」
時任「早くやっちゃわないとな~。 それじゃあ2人とも、お先~!」
ナツコ「あっ、ちょっと時任君! ......もう、あの様子、やっぱりサポりだったんだ」
ハルコ「ふふっ。 まだ転校して2日目なのに、もうすっかり仲良しさんなんだね」

(時任君、面白い人だとは思うんだけど......。 このまま仲良しになってもいいものか、ちょっと不安になってきたよ)

(さっきの男の子みたいに、楽しそうに走ってる子もいるのに。 鴇和学園の陸上部って、一体どうなってるんだろう?)

Takagi-sensei ends the class and once again calls out to Natsuko which shes startled by suddenly being called out to. Takagi-sensei then asks her if shes going to visit the clubs which Natsuko replies yes. Ishikawa, Suzuki, and a male student then bombard Natsuko with questions about which club shes going to enter and advertise their club to her. Natsuko feels overwhelmed, excuses herself, and then dashes out the room in a quick pace. Suzuki is amazed by her speed and says that she needs her in their club, the male student then points out that running fast isn't necessary in the history archaeology(?) club. Chika watches all this with an interested expression.

高木「よーし、それじゃあ今日の授業はおしまいだ! ......ナツコ君!」
ナツコ「え!? な、なんでしょう?」
高木「今日から部活の見学に行くんだろう? しっかり見て回ってこいよ~」
石川「そっか! ナツコちゃん、これから部活を決めるんだね!」
男子生徒1「うちの部に来いよ~! 楽しいぜ、バドミントン部!」
時任「あはは~。 ナツコちゃん、大人気だ」
ナツコ「もう、時任君はからかわないで! え、えっと......見学に行く部はもう決めちゃってるので、またの機会に! それじゃあ!」
鈴木「くうう~、あの逃げ足の速いさ! ぜひ、うちの部にほしいわぁ......」
鈴木「はっ......! それもそうね」

Natsuko meets up with Haruko out of breath which causes Haruko to ask her if shes okay since she looks tired. Natsuko replies saying its nothing and carries on. Natsuko lets Haruko go first and visit her desired club choices which are art, cooking, wind music, and theatrical.

ハルコ「大丈夫? ナツコちゃん。なんだか疲れてるように見えるけど......」
ナツコ「う、ううん! なんでもないよ」
ナツコ「えーっと、お姉ちゃんが選んだ部は...... 美術部と料理部、それに吹奏楽部と演劇部だっけ?」
ハルコ「うん! わたしが先でいいの?」
ハルコ「ありがとう! それじゃあ、今日は美術部が見たいな」

The first day of club observations, they go to Haruko's choice, the art club first. Natsuko says that Tokiwa Gakuen's art club is like being inside an abstract painting but she still didn't get what they were painting. Natsuko commented that the mysterious white and yellow colored painting looked like a sunny-side-up fried egg to which it was actually a painting of one's unconscious mind(?). Haruko thought the painting was also an image of eggs and thinks that the art club may be too difficult for her. Tomorrow's club observation day is Natsuko's turn, her club choices are tennis, softball, basketball, and track. They decide to start off with visiting the tennis club first.


ナツコ「鴇和学園の美術部って、抽象画が中なんだね......。 何を描いてるのか、全然分からなかったよ」




ハルコ「わたしも目玉焼きにしかみえなかったよ。 わたしに美術部は難しいかも......」
ハルコ「明日はナツコちゃんの見学に付き合うからね! ナツコちゃんの希望は......」
ナツコ「明日はテニス部を見てみたいなぁ。 いい?」


It's lunch break, Natsuko and Ishikawa are walking down the hallways towards the gymnasium. Ishikawa is Natsuko's newly made friend who helped guide Natsuko around the school. Ishikawa asks if Natsuko has already learned her ways around the school to which Natsuko replies yes and that its all thanks to her guidance. Ishikawa then takes her leave as she was previously called by a sensei. Because Natsuko's already at the gymnasium she decides to take a look. She then excuses herself and hears the sound of a ball. There is a male student there in which she recognizes as the one she bumped into while waiting for Takagi-sensei on her first day. She sees the boy repeatedly dribbling the ball and then take a great jump towards the basketball hoop. Natsuko is amazed by the height of his jump and sees the ball enter the hoop. She wonders if the boy is part of the basketball club and suddenly a voice besides her says "good grief". Natsuko gets startled and turns around to the voice, she thinks that the boy standing beside her is angry at her for entering without permission. The boy apologizes and says he wasn't saying that to her and told her not to worry about it. Natsuko finds out that the two boys were from the basketball club and were kouhai-senpai. Not long after the boy shooting hoops from before disappears, the kouhai who startled her from before also excuses himself.


石川「そうだよ。 学校のどこに何があるのか、覚えてきた?」
ナツコ「うん、おかげでだいぶ分かってきたよ。 ありがとね」
石川「ふふっ、どういたしまして! ......あっ、時間だ。 それじゃあ私、先生に呼ばれてるから先に戻るね」
ナツコ「うん! どうもありがとう!」

昼休み。 私は新しく出来た友達に、学校の中の案内をしてもらっていた。



(......ん? ボールの音?)

音につれられて、体育館の中を覗き込む。 するとーー......


(あれ? あの人って...... なんだか見覚えがあるような......)

(あ! そうだ、転校初日に廊下ですれ違った人だ)



(わぁっ、高い......! すごい跳躍力......!)


ナツコ「すごい......。 あの人、バスケ部なのかな」



???「......あ、すみません。 あなたに言ったわけじゃないので、気にしないでください」
ナツコ「あの先輩? って、さっきの男の子のことでしょうか......あれ?」


???「......すみません、突然変な事を話して。 忘れてください」
ナツコ「えっ!? あ、あの!」


呼びとめる間もなく、 男の子は歩き去ってしまった。



Later on after school, as promised the sisters head to the tennis club. Natsuko thinks that the tennis skirt is pretty cute and that tennis is like an 'ojou-sama' kind of sport. To her surprise, the training was actually really tough. The team captain led the members through vigorous training. Though Natsuko thinks that the tennis players are already good enough, the team captain insists on more practice. Haruko then quietly says to Natsuko that if she enters this club she might collapse. 


(テニスのスコートって可愛いから、憧れだったんだよね。 テニスってお嬢様のスポーツっぽいし!)


テニス部部長「ほらっ、ビシパシ行きますわよ! 休憩してる暇なんてないんですからね!!」


*The script content belongs to Honeybee but is all hand-typed by me

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