Friday, July 25, 2014

Personal Updates

Please excuse my lack of updates as my temporary "work" has been tiring me out but do look forward to the Houkago Colorful Step spamヽ(´▽`)ノ. I've been on a honeybee obsession lately so I'm kind of playing both games at once and because of that, things might get a bit hectic (most likely I'd get confused at a point when writing posts related to the two games). I've typed up the full script for the first two days of undoubu but only partial for the third day since I kind of gave up...(|||❛︵❛.) but, I will summarize the rest in another post along with the character introduction screenshots. As for bunkabu I'm probably just going to write up a short summary and include some comparisons to the other game. 

To clear things up, undoubu means sports club (track and field & basketball) and bunkabu means culture club (wind instrument & theater). Natsuko (undoubu, younger twin) and Haruko (bunkabu, older twin) are both heroines in their own game and have their own date-able guys so its not possible to cross pursue. I was going to finish playing Nino-senpai's route from undoubu first but when I was comparing prologues I couldn't help but continue Shouya's route in bunkabu; hes the cutest kouhai ever! (besides Rihito but Shouya isn't as affectionate and clingy as him). I'm most likely going to write a whole post dedicated to this cutie. (~˘▾˘)~


Yes, I am totally game hopping as usual. I've pretty much lost interest in DL atm so I placed it aside and I didn't even finish Saitou's SSL route either. Σ(♡@﹏ @☆)ノ”

I'm probably a bit behind on the news since I haven't checked the official site for Houkago Colorful Steps in a while but two wallpapers were uploaded and available for download~

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